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Learn how to uncover and nurture talent in your child


Every child is born with a unique set of talents and capabilities. It is the job of the parent or the nurturer
to recognize and hone the talent and transform it into a skill set.

It is not a very difficult achievement if you are an engaged parent. It is important that you actively participate in your child’s activities. The nature of play and the interests of the child often reveal the latent talent of the child.

Play is an important tool to gauge Child’s Talent

Play is a manifestation of the innate capabilities and interests that a child harbors. Creativity and
imagination is tapped when the child indulges in structured play. The first step in the process of
nurturing your child’s talent is to spot it! Children display the signs of their hidden talent through play.

If your child is drawn to a paint box or colors, she might be an artist in the making. If she has a penchant
for dressing up and posing for photographs, has an eye for style and loves trying on your make up and
high heels you might just have the next super model in your family.

Nurturing the latent talent of your child

It is up to the parent to identify the talent of the child and then help to hone it.

 If your child displays interest in dressing up, it might be a good idea to give her access to
fashion magazines and shows that are suitable for her age group.

 Letting her use make up and your accessories to give her a feel of the way they are coordinated.
Her creative side will get a chance to mature.

 Enrolling the child in modeling or a photography club might be a good idea too.

 It is imperative that as parents we provide the child with opportunity to understand, evaluate
and ultimately work towards nurturing a talent.

Praise the efforts of the child

It has been seen many a time that the most talented child withers without appreciation while the
slightly less endowed talent reaches unimaginable heights. The difference is praise and rewards.
Children bloom under the gentle praise and appreciation of their parents and loved ones.

They must be given opportunities which showcase their skills and talent. Lack of opportunity smothers the talented
child and she loses interest.

It might be a good idea for her to attend a few classes and gauge her interest and skill level. A hobby can
very easily turn into a profession. There is no dearth of unconventional careers which have made
celebrities and stars out of people pursuing their muse.

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