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Kids Learning

Volcanoes, one of the natural calamities with its destructive forces can destroy a large part of the earth with the eruptions of liquid boiling lava. Though volcanoes are rarely minor incidents of geology in action as per the geologists but can take a heavy toll from the lives that survive in the are where the eruptions occur. There are also gigantic eruptions besides these small eruptions that are kept recorded in the books related to volcanoes. Volcanic eruptions on earth takes on a number of different forms, such as cinder cones spewing forth glowing hot cinders, billowing clouds of hot ash and gases being blown into the sky or slowly oozing rivers of molten lava rushing down the sides of great peaks. Each eruption varies in forms but the common thing they share is that they are created by the superheated magma beneath the earths crust. The fascinating information related to volcanoes is that they play a dual role of destruction and creation. The destruction is described above. Now coming to its creation part. The magma fueling the volcano is responsible for the building of new crust as newly emerging lava cools into solid rock. This in turn forms the most fertile soil on earth because volcanic rock has extremely rich mineral content that supports new life to bloom.

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