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What does our tri-colour stand for?

Kids Learning

What does our tri-colour stand for?

Like our country, our national flag also has a history. Let us salute the flag.

Our tri-colour flag was born on July 22, 1947 in the Constituent Assembly, a few days before the country gained Independence. Our flag has three stripes of equal width, the top being saffron (kesari), followed by white and then green at the bottom. In the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel with 24 spokes (Dharma Chakra).
The saffron stripe signifies courage, sacrifice and the spirit of renunciation. The white stripe signifies purity and truth. The green stripe stands for faith and fertility. The Chakra denotes continual progress of the country. Its blue colour connotes the boundless sky and fathomless sea. As is obvious, the founding fathers of India wanted limitless growth of the nation.

A few facts to note

Dhwaja Vandana:

The national song in the honour of the flag was composed in 1924 by freedom fighter Shyamlal Gupta.

Code of conduct:

It is the duty of every Indian citizen to know the code of conduct related to the national flag. It is his or her fundamental duty to display the flag in the correct stately manner. An incorrect display of the tri-colour is a punishable offence. A damaged or disheveled flag should not be displayed. No other flag should be placed higher than the tricolour. The tri-colour must not be used or stored in such a manner as may damage or soil it. Lettering of any kind should not be superimposed on the tri-colour.

Special occasions calling for display of the flag:

From the commencement to the finale of the Republic Day celebrations.
National week ( April 6 to April 13 ) in the memory of the people who lost their lives in the massacre of Jallianwala Bagh in 1919.
Independence Day ( August 15)
Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary (October 2)
Any other day of national rejoicing as may be specified by the Government of India.

National honour:

The word flag , which is of German origin, signifies a piece of cloth, bunting or a similar material displaying the insignia of a community, an armed force, an office or an individual.
In ancient India, flags had great significance right from the Indus Valley Civilization. The ancient flags were often triangular and unicolour. The flags belonged to a king, his kingdom and his army. But in modern times, a national flag does not belong to an individual person, but a whole nation. It stands for the nation’s aspirations, hopes and achievements.

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