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Atharv Baderia - Professional Male Child Model

295 total views, 2 today

Atharv Baderia
Atharv Baderia
  • Age: 3 to 6 years
  • Height: 3 to 4 feet
  • Interested in: Print ads, TV ads, Fashion shows, TV serials, Movies, Modelling events and Competitions
  • City: Delhi (NCR)
  • Introduction

    Atharv is close to 4 yrs old. He has been a winner of many baby shows that includes baby shows conducted by many pre schools and other teams, to name a few: Mother’s pride, Hocus Pocus etc. He also has certificates to validate the authenticity. He has also been featured in e-commerce websites quite a lot of times and is blessed with some unique features especially his hair, everyone around him has the same thing to say. Thanks,looking for your feedback

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