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Kids Learning


While strolling on the sea beach sometimes we can see a kind of creature that looks like something transparent. They are the jelly fish that might have been brought on shore by the huge waves of the sea. Kids are often very curious to know more about these sea creatures mostly because the kids are attracted for the looks that a jelly fish bears. The striking information is that they are one of the oldest species and they are believed to have appeared in the oceans about 650 million years ago, even before the dinosaurs. They are still found in large numbers in the sea in various sizes and shapes. Though it is hard to believe but the fact is that their bodies are made up of 95% water; they have no bones or cartilage, no heart or blood, and no brain. Isn\’t it amazing? They are the most primitive life forms on earth. The Arctic Lion’s Mane, like most jellies, is a killer – it kills and eats other living creatures. Fish, plankton, and even other jellies are its main foods. A Jellyfish has almost invisible tentacles which are loaded with millions of nematocysts which it uses for injecting paralyzing venom into the victim and then consumes its prey.

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