Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation
Day by day the consumption of natural resources like wood, coal, natural gas, diesel, paper and leather, are increasing. There is a possibility of these natural resources to exhaust sooner than expected. Energy conservation is the only solution to this problem. There are lots of ways to conserve energy; you just have to follow them by heart. Do you know Earth hour is an annual international event which was held on the last Saturday of March 2007 and 2008. Households and businesses were requested to switch off their lights and non-essential electrical appliances for an hour in the evening. The first Earth Hour was held on March 31, 2007 in Sydney, Australia, between 7:30pm and 8:30pm. Earth hour 2008, was held internationally on March 29, 2008 between 8.00 and 9.00pm Australian Standard Time. A large number of cities had participated in the event which aims to save the environment. The 2009 Earth Hour will be held on March28, 2009. This event of Earth hour will definitely help in conserving some energy. But some of the simple ways in which we can conserve energy are by switching off the lights and fans when not needed, by using vehicles running on hybrid fuels, and by planting more and more trees. So lets get together and conserve our resources.
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