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Elevator Physics

Kids Learning

Elevator Physics You get into an elevator (or a lift, as we sometimes call it) and for a second or two, just as the elevator moves down, we feel weightless. On the other hand, if we go up in an elevator, we suddenly feel heavier just as the elevator lurches upwards. To understand this feeling […]


Kids Learning

Jellyfish While strolling on the sea beach sometimes we can see a kind of creature that looks like something transparent. They are the jelly fish that might have been brought on shore by the huge waves of the sea. Kids are often very curious to know more about these sea creatures mostly because the kids […]

The Fish Which Changes From Female To Male

Kids Learning

There is a fish called the blackspot angelfish, which can change from female to male. No, it cannot do it by simply wishing to become male. The change happens for a specific reason. The angel fish live in groups. And each group has one male fish, which is blue in colour, and four female fish, […]


Kids Learning

Ice-Cream Ice-Cream ‘Ice-cream’ is an all time-favourite with one and all. Have you ever wondered where this fabulous dessert came from? Ice-cream originated in China. The great explorer, Marco Polo was responsible for taking it to Italy nearly 700 years ago. He was on a trading expedition to China in 1271, when he happened to […]

Chocolate Facts!

Kids Learning

Chocolate Facts! Chocolates are always favourite with kids. Kids can indulge themselves in chocolates anytime. Now here are some interesting facts for the kids about chocolates. Chocolate is actually obtained from the cacao tree, which is 12 meters high and bears small pinkish flowers that grow into pods, and each pod produces 20 to 40 […]


Kids Learning

Pyramids Ancient Egyptian pyramids and tombs are popular because of the way they are constructed and because they have great histories buried inside them. It was only during the time of the Old Kingdom that the ancient Egyptians built pyramids to hold the royal tombs of their kings. Pyramids were huge structures. Pyramids had storage […]


Kids Learning

Bridges! It is known that bridges are an important connection that helps in linking two places that are situated on either side of a water body. There are various forms of bridge and the six basic modern bridge forms are the beam, the truss, the arch, the cantilever, the cable-stay and the suspension. Lets name […]

Strange Sequence

Kids Learning

Strange Sequence Here is a sequence of numbers: 1 11 21 1211 111221 It seems to be a strange sequence, but yet there is a system behind it… The Question: What is the next term in this sequence? . . . . . . . . Solution The system behind the sequence is that each […]

Climbing Snail

Kids Learning

Climbing Snail A snail is at the bottom of a 20 meters deep pit. Every day the snail climbs 5 meters upwards, but at night it slides 4 meters back downwards. The Question: How many days does it take before the snail reaches the top of the pit? . . . . . . . […]

Children Love Playing Games!

Kids Learning

Children Love Playing Games! In playing games all children are alike. It is because there is no single child who doesn\’t love to play games, be it online games, video and computer games. There are variety of games that children can play but there are games which are most useful and popular like ping pong, […]

How To Solve Sudoku

Kids Learning

How To Solve Sudoku Learn to solve Sudoku puzzles with the right approach. This guide will show you how to solve Sudoku puzzles in three steps. Sudoku puzzles can be intimidating and difficult to solve, but with a proper strategy, focusing on elimination, you can finish a Sudoku puzzle in mere minutes. The first step […]

Video Games

Kids Learning

Video Games Today video games are becoming popular among kids. Parents either install a gaming system or load some games in their own PCs. Kids can have a great time with these video games. Delaware St John volume 3: The Seacliff Tragedy is the game about third outing for psychic detective Delaware St John sees […]

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