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Ancient Egyptian pyramids and tombs are popular because of the way they are constructed and because they have great histories buried inside them. It was only during the time of the Old Kingdom that the ancient Egyptians built pyramids to hold the royal tombs of their kings. Pyramids were huge structures. Pyramids had storage rooms, courtyards, secret passageways, and all kinds of fancy traps designed to catch robbers who tried to break into the pyramid to rob it. The pyramids are full of treasures as all the precious belongings of a dead royal person is kept inside it along with the dead body that is preserved in the pyramids. The average person created grave goods to take with them to their afterlife. The Step Pyramid is the first pyramid that was built around 2700 BC, nearly 5000 years ago. Pyramid construction was abandoned after the time of the Old Kingdom. It was simply too easy to find a pyramid. Grave robbers knew exactly where the pharaohs were buried, and thus knew exactly where to find riches and wealth. But when caught, the penalty for grave robbing was death. The cities that grew up around a pyramid were called pyramid cities. People who helped in constructing a pyramid were paid and also provided home to them.

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