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Portal Software

Kids Learning

Portal Software

Let me write about some IT stuff here today. May be its useful for teens visiting this site. As you all know IT has taken over most of the businesses and drive most of the things in our day to day lives.

Nowadays the websites are driven by content management system (CMS). Content Management System (CMS) is a software system used for content management. Content management systems are deployed primarily for interactive use by a potentially large number of contributors.

The content management includes computer files, image media, audio files, electronic documents and web content. The idea behind a CMS is to make these files available inter-office, as well as over the web. A Content Management System would most often be used as archival as well. Many companies use a CMS to store files in a non-proprietary form. Companies use a CMS to share files with ease, as most systems use server based software, even further broadening file availability. As shown below, many Content Management Systems include a feature for Web Content, and some have a feature for a “workflow process.”

Portal software is a type of development tool used to create a portal (starting point) on a company’s intranet so that employees can find a centralized starting place for access to consolidated enterprise-related functions, such as e-mail, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, company information, workgroup systems, and other applications. The package may be customized to varying degrees of enterprise or individual specificity.

BoxesOS Content Management Component provides an organization with enterprise level tools for creating, managing, organizing, archiving and sharing content.

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