Kids Funny Silly Jokes
Kids Funny Silly Jokes
How did the telephones get married ?
In a double ring ceremony !
What do you call a man with a tree growing out of his head ?
Ed-Wood !
Why did the child study in the aeroplane ?
He wanted a higher education !
Why was the broom late ?
It over swept !
Do you know the time ?
No, we haven’t met yet !
What kind of hair do oceans have ?
Wavy !
What runs but never walks ?
Water !
How do you make milk shake ?
Give it a good scare !
What would you call a friend who had an elephant on his head ?
A flatmate !
Whats red and flies and wobbles at the same time ?
A jelly copter !
Waiter, this soup tastes funny ?
Then why aren’t you laughing !
Can you spell eighty in two letters?
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