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Keeping Ears Clean

Kids Learning

Keeping Ears Clean

First things first. Your ears clean themselves. There is no need to poke ear buds into your ear. Worse, no car keys or tooth picks!

One common misconception when it comes to the ear is that ear wax is a waste, and something that has to be gotten rid of. Ear wax is not dirt, and is not something to get rid of. It is produced by normal secretion of fats and oils in your ear, to protect foreign material from entering and damaging it. It is sloughed off the ear without us noticing it. When ear buds are used to try to take out the wax, the ear wax is pushed deeper inside. So when you\’ve just had a shower and water has gotten inside, let it dry naturally.

If you feel the compulsive need for cleaning it, there are wax-softening drops available inthe market. Two drops in each ear would suffice. Olive oil would do just as well.
If there is too much was built up, your physician can gently syringe out wax from the ear.

It is best to consult a physician for cleaning ears. But ears can take care of themselves usually.

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