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The First Day In College

Kids Learning

The first day of college is when there is nervous excitement in the air. The first day generally finds small groups of boys and girls wandering around the campus, trying to look assured and important but end up looking slightly bewildered at this rush of activity completing admission formalities and discovering the location of various lectures halls. But by the third day, they’ve found their `college feet’ and they’re choosing favourite hang-outs for the next five years.

College can be a crazy experience, and obviously with the craziness comes the rush of having to prepare for the first day. You’ve packed everything from home, with your new clothes and the nervous urge to do well and to get noticed the first day. Thats how your first day emotions keep changing. So, if you\’re nervous about the first day, what must you do?

Quite simple, nothing. The more we try to think the more stupid ideas we get so just do nothing special on the first day of college just trying to be normal and you will feel good after it. Besides those young ladies\’ will not have much time to glance at you because they will be equally confused as the rest of the freshers\’, so why bother. It is always better to lap up each feeling of the first day as this day is so special that all of us remember it for the rest of our life as one of the memorable days. This is the first taste of real freedom. As they say the first is always confusingly interesting and beautiful. Cheers to first day of college our first meeting with destiny.

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