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—Please choose an option—I need a portfolioWebsite IssueFor modeling/acting workPayment IssueOther
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Portfolio shoot is done in : Delhi
For details please visit http://kidiezone.com/portfolio-charges/
I want to buy: —Please choose an option—Rs 25000 for 3 looks 12 picturesRs 35000 for 5 looks 25 pictures
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Issue - username already exists - solution: try using some other username or your email as username
- If you did not get activation email, please check your spam folder
Issue - forgot password or can't login: Solution: Click forgot password and enter your email id to get a password reset link. Click the link and create a new password.
If you are not able to make the payment using credit/debit card, we can share other methods.
If you have any other issue, please explain below.
If you still face problem, please explain in detail and attach screenshot of error.
For modelling/acting work please visit work/resources section.
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