Chocolate Facts!
Chocolate Facts!
Chocolates are always favourite with kids. Kids can indulge themselves in chocolates anytime. Now here are some interesting facts for the kids about chocolates. Chocolate is actually obtained from the cacao tree, which is 12 meters high and bears small pinkish flowers that grow into pods, and each pod produces 20 to 40 beans. A tree is likely to bear 60 to 70 such pods after its fourth year. After harvesting, the pod is split and the beans are allowed to ferment for several days. Then the beans are dried, cleaned, roasted and ground to yield a paste called chocolate liquor. After further processing and blending, this paste is made into a variety of chocolate products. This is how chocolates are made out of the chocolate beans. Another striking fact is the name of the cocoa tree. The botanical name for this tree from which chocolate is obtained is Theobroma Cacao which means \”Food of the Gods\” and the name seems to be appropriate. Kids will definitely love to know some more attention-grabbing facts about chocolates. Chocolate has 500 flavours in it. Cocoa beans were used as currency by the Aztecs and the Mayans. It is also an interesting fact that Napoleon took chocolate along with him during his military campaigns and had them whenever he required more energy
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