A Russian immigrant to America by the name of Vladimir Zworykin is credited with the invention of TV. He moved to the US in 1919 and got a job at Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Pittsburgh. He first invented the iconoscope (an electronic camera) and a kinescope (picture tube). In 1923, he unveiled the television, which […]
Category: Kids Learning
Phases Of Moon
We can look up in the sky and see the Moon change every night. The different ways the Moon looks through a month’s time are called phases of the Moon. When the Moon is getting bigger, from the night when there is no Moon until the night of the full Moon, is called the Moon’s […]
WHAT ARE LASERS? LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser is a concentrated beam of light, created when an electric current passes through a special material. The name and color of the laser depend on the type of special material that is used: Argon gas brings a blue-green light; Krypton […]
Learning About Bees
The Africanized Honeybee is no more harmful than the common honeybee (whom they resemble) but they are highly aggressive. They become infuriated easily and will swarm on a perceived danger to deliver hundreds of stings. Whereas the European bee will defend a territory of 350-450 yards, the Africanized version will defend its territory up to […]
Whats A Blue Moon
Have you ever heard anyone say something only happened “once in a blue moon”? Did you know what they meant? A “blue moon” is when one month of the year has two full moons in it, like January of 1999 which had a full moon on January 1 and another on January 31. Because the […]
Life On Mars
No, it’s not little green men. A team of NASA scientists has made a discovery that suggests that primitive life may have existed on Mars more than 3.6 billion years ago. The team of scientists found many pieces of evidence, including possible fossils, that suggests that microscopic, bacteria-like organisms once lived on the planet. The […]
That\’s super Spot on I like it Super stuff Really great What a good try Brilliant Clever (boy/girl) I\’m impressed What a brainwave You do work well Very imaginative Nice try That\’s good work Superb Well remembered Good logic Excellent work Good thinking You\’re a star You are doing well Great try Quick thinking Well […]
Seven wonders of ancient world
The ancient Greeks loved to compile lists of the marvellous structures in their world. Though we think of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as a single list today, there were actually a number of lists compiled by different Greek writers. Antipater of Sidon, and Philon of Byzantium, drew up two of the most […]
THE SOLAR SYSTEM MERCURY Mercury is the first planet from the sun, 36 million miles away from the sun and it has no moons. It is a small, rocky planet and very hot. It has dusty surface filled with craters. Mercury looks a lot like Earth’s moon. A year is 88 days long and one […]
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings Oil Paintings Painting with oils is a very fulfilling and relaxing hobby. So, if the only brush you’ve ever held in your hand is a hairbrush but you’re willing to learn or teach your child, read on. One doesn’t need to be a talented artist in order to paint with oils. Anyone with […]
Barcodes Barcodes When you checkout from a supermarket, the person at the counter checks all that you have bought by flashing a small light at a set of lines marked somewhere on every item. How does this system of checking work? A barcode is machine-readable information. It allows data to be collected accurately and rapidly […]
History of Glass
History of Glass Although known to man for ages, glass is a transparent beauty that fascinates us even today. How did man discover the process of making glass? How is glass shaped? Have you ever wondered where glass comes from? Today, all the glass we see around us is manufactured in factories. We take glass […]