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How Do I Get My Child Into Advertising And Modeling?


If your baby is a pro at making you laugh and, you think he is the only actor in the house then, get him into advertising & modeling. Kids modeling in India is in the hype and what can be better than seeing your kids there. Kids advertising and modeling will blow your mind and, […]

Qualities to be a child model


how to be a child model

Children are usually beautiful. At a tender age, children will have smooth skin, beautiful hair and adorable body features. Some parents love to get their stunning children into the modelling industry. Child modelling agencies or kid modelling agencies work towards the objective of transforming children into modelling stars. Experts in such agencies will teach your […]

A Parent’s Perspective on Child Modeling


Child modelling

Is Your Little One Destined for the Spotlight? I never imagined my son Maolik would catch the attention of a talent scout at our local mall. But there we were, picking up new shoes for the school year, when a well-dressed woman approached us with her business card and talked about Maolik’s “photogenic features” and […]

Ways To Help Your Child Venture Into The World Of Performing Arts

Kids Learning, Modeling

kid model

Do you feel that just attending school is not the end all for an all-round education for your child? Do you feel that her creativity remains under optimized and she needs that something extra to make her shine? The best way would be to encourage her to get enrolled in some creative and novel ways […]

You Are Never Too Young To Take Your First Step In Modeling



Everyone wants to see their child casted in advertisements of major brands. In the business world, everything is a commodity which can be sold or bought. There are many companies designing and generating products for parents as target audience. To sell a product a company’s marketing team needs to make sure how is it that […]

Everyone Should Give An Audition Atleast Once In Life



Everyone has atleast once wondered if they have an inherent acting talent in them. Everyone watches movies, situational comedies, advertisements, print media and what not. We wonder if we can pose in front of a camera the way we see a model pose. It seems very easy but it is not. It is not just […]

Does your child have the skills and flair for modeling ?


Does your child have the skills and flair needed for future success? The world is turning into a fiercely competitive space and the pressure is upon the parents and the children to choose a path best suited to their skills and talents. Sounds simple right? But, the reality is quite different. The trick is to […]

Create the Best Modelling Portfolio


Kids modelling agency in Delhi

Metropolitan cities Mumbai and New Delhi are the hubs for kids modelling in India. Due to this, the best modelling portfolio, whether for child or elder, can be created in either of the two cities. Most of the well known fashion designers, top production houses and models are present in this city, as a result […]

Kids Modelling Agency


Modelling Agency for Kids

Kids modeling agency is a company that represents kids talent, child models, kid models, toddlers, babies, pre teen models, teen models to work for the fashion, advertising and modelling industry. A child model or a kid model refers to a child who is employed to advertise , display and promote commercial products or to serve […]

Fashion for Kids

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