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Learning About Bees

Kids Learning

The Africanized Honeybee is no more harmful than the common honeybee (whom they resemble) but they are highly aggressive. They become infuriated easily and will swarm on a perceived danger to deliver hundreds of stings.

Whereas the European bee will defend a territory of 350-450 yards, the Africanized version will defend its territory up to half a mile. They are considered good pollinators.

The European Honeybee is very good in producing honey and wax and can produce a painful sting that isn’t harmful unless you’re allergic.

Carpenter bees are the large shiny black ones that burrow into wood to nest. The female delivers a mild sting but is slow to anger.

Leaf Cutter Bees are ony a quarter to a half inch long and rather hairy. It trims small circular holes in leaves and carries the pupl back to its nest. It won’t attack but the female can sting, less painfully than the honeybee.

The Metallic Sweat Bee is just under a half inch long with bright green shiny bodies in which the males have striped abdomens. If pinched or swatted, the females can sting. These bees nest in the ground and are good pollinators.

The Bumblebee can produce a severe sting but is not easily provoked. The giant of the garden at one inch long, bumblebees nest in the ground and feed their young on pollen and honey.

They are good pollinators even though their loud buzz and size scare most people. They come in various of fuzzy yellow and black stripes

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